Well Heeled LOVES BLUE and we love Lisa and Shanna!

My sweet friend Lisa Hagerty just sent me such a wonderful quote, I wanted to share it with the Bunny blog...

"There's Something About Audrey!! She appeals to all ages. I get transported to New Orleans or Greenwich Village when I listen to her and she's introduced a more classic and innocent "sexy" to a younger crowd who are seeing that "sexy" and "classy" can go hand in hand. Audrey has the rare appeal to all ages and I'm most excited for the elegance that she is making popular for some of the lucky 20 somethings that make up some of her loyal following. Go Audrey. I love your music! and I love you...and Blue." Lisa Hagerty, Owner of Well Heeled, Stowe, Vermont.

WOW!!  Thank you!!!!

Shanna and Lisa LOVE BLUE!

Well Heeled LOVES BLUE!



xoxox audrey & blue